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Posted on 16th July 2020

SAP 10.1 Changes the Heating Industry

SAP 10.1 Changes the Heating Industry

A large challenge faced by the Heating Industry was the methodology for SAP 2012, which was written six years ago. SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) is the methodology used to determine a properties ERP Rating. The current SAP 2012 figures show that 0.519kgCO2 per kWh, which means that for every kWh of Electricity, it is calculated to release 0.519k of CO2 in comparison to the 0.216kg produced for every kWh of gas. The lower the carbon factor, the better the property’s ERP rating will fare. These figures are vastly out of date, as the electricity grid has come on leaps and bounds within the last 8 years.

The methodology for SAP 10 was released in 2018 and was originally planned to be released in 2019 SAP 10 and revised the carbon factor for electricity making it only slightly worse than gas, slashing it down to 0.233kgCO2 per kWh, compared to 0.210kg per kWh for gas.

SAP 10 was not introduced in 2019 as planned, and instead BRE announced SAP 10.1 which further reduced the carbon factor of electricity to 0.136kgCO2 per kWh. This change makes electric the least harmful method of heating your home to the environment, and the best performing heating method on EPC ratings. SAP 10.1 Is expected to be launched in late 2020.

This changes how building designers decide on a heating system. Electric Heating systems are suddenly much more attractive, and CHP systems and standard gas boilers look less attractive. Designers can now use figures which are closer to reality.

The future is Electric

Electric heating already has benefits, such as rapidly heating a room when it’s required, and low installation costs provides an affordable option for homeowners. The units can be placed anywhere within the property and have no requirement for a gas flue or the same pipework that is required with a gas boiler.

As we move towards a decarbonised electricity grid, modern electric heating is set to become the most attractive option when it comes to specifying a heating system. Rapid response, 100% energy efficiency, smart control, electric heating offers building designers a technology that provides comfort, control, style and cost that customers demand.

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