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Posted on 3rd February 2022

Reducing Energy Bill Tips

Heating Economy Guide

Electric heating is affordable if certain guidelines are followed. The main steps are:

When heating is required, the thermostat should be set to the “comfort” temperature which is between 18-21 degrees. Higher temperatures will incur higher costs. Where possible, reducing temperature settings will in turn reduce costs.

Always Operate a Closed Door Policy

Conserving Heat
Conserving heat within your home – and keeping cold out – will make for a warmer home without building up high energy bills. Free, independent energy advice can be obtained from Energy Savings Trust – 0800 512012 or their website

Draughts are a common cause of energy loss within the home. They can be reduced with simple inexpensive measures.

Fit draught seals around windows and door openings.

Fit draught strips to the bottom of the doors and fit internal letterbox covers.

If possible, hang heavy curtains on windows and doors. Use plastic or clear film secondary glazing to cut draughts and heat loss in window areas if required. It is important that draught strips should be fixed securely to the bottom of doors to reduce heat loss.

Ventilation ducts and bricks should not be blocked, especially in rooms with gas or open fires. They ensure circulation of fresh air.

Heat will always escape through the structure of the house i.e. The roof, windows, doors and walls.  Insulation and double glazing will reduce the rate of heat loss which will keep your home warmer and help reduce energy bills.

You should insulate your loft to prevent unnecessary heat loss. A 270mm thickness of insulation quilt is recommended. Often older houses may have no insulation at all in the loft, or in some cases less than the recommended amount.

Doors & Windows
In the evening close your curtains to reduce heat loss. Double glazing or secondary glazing will keep rooms warmer and quieter.

Lagging Hot Water Cylinders & Pipes
Energy may be going to waste in your home if the hot water system is not properly insulated. A jacket to insulate the hot water cylinder can be bought which is usually easy to fit. The bracket should have a British standards “Kitemark” on the label.

Newer hot water cylinders are supplied with an insulation coating. Hot water pipes can be lagged to prevent heat escaping. Exposed pipes in the roof space, or other areas where they may freeze in cold weather, should also be lagged.

Using Heat Efficiently

  • Make sure you know how the controls work on your heaters or heating
  • Set the thermostat controls for each heater or central heating radiators to maintain room temperature at between 18-21C (70F) during the periods you are using them.
  • Do not let rooms get too hot. Adjust the heating controls if they do.
  • Set your timer to bring heating on automatically in about half an hour before you get up. In very cold weather, set the timer to bring heating on earlier.
  • Bedrooms should be warmed before going to bed.

This information has been provided by the Energy Savings trust, for further advice please call

England – 0800 444 202 Scotland – 0808 808 2282 Wales – 0808 808 2244  N.I – 0800 111 4455

When having an EHC heating system installed, it is essential you choose the best available electric tariff to help run your heating system as economically as possible. These tariffs include Economy 10 tariffs supplied by companies such as SSE or single rate tariffs which are offered by all energy companies.

As the bill payer, it is your responsibility to ensure you are on the correct tariff for the type of heating installed.

You should contact your supply company for any help/advice or services available.

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