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Posted on 15th November 2018

Electric Heating for Social Housing

Social Housing

Social Housing Electric Heating Solutions

With over 13 Years of experience in supplying social housing providers with electric central heating systems, we understand that specifying an electric heating product can be a complicated process. A balance has to be found between meeting budgets and meeting the needs of tenants.

As the price gap between gas and electric reduces, an electric heating system has become an increasingly feasible option to provide heat to homes. Recent advances in Electric Radiator and Electric Boiler technology offers home owners and tenants with a cost effective, reliable and comfortable heating solution.

So why EHC?

Our unique support service, the ‘Total Care Package’, has been accepted by Housing Associations and Local Councils throughout the UK as being an essential feature that ensures running costs are kept at an affordable level.

The ‘Total Care Package’ is a service which involves visiting Tenants pre and post installation to:

Discuss suitable Electricity Tariffs and times of the Economy 10 Electricity Tariff Provide running cost indications Supply tenants with contact information of Scottish & Southern Energy to allow them to change their energy provider for the Economy 10 tariff. Educate tenants to ensure that heating controls are operated in an efficient and effective manner Supply tenants with an energy information pack which contains useful information on keeping the house warm, best practice using the economy 10 tariff, economy 10 times and indicative energy costs for various types of properties/occupancy.

We also arrange electricity load checks for properties where the new heating will be installed. If required we offer a monthly cost and energy monitoring facility for whole house electricity costs.

For a comprehensive description of our total care package, click here.

Running Costs

We’re often asked ‘How much does it cost to run?’ which is a hard question to answer. There’s so many different factors that can contribute to the running costs of our Electric Heating Systems. Insulation, tariffs, payment methods, and many other things.

To be able to answer that question, the Electric Heating Company recently undertook a survey of 96 properties with a selection of EHC Electric Boilers and Electric Combination Radiators to heat their homes. The properties monitored in this survey are all off-grid social landlord properties which required an economic heating alternative to outdated storage heaters.

For a comprehensive analysis of our survey, click here.

Click the Tabs below to find out more.

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Ease Of Use









Our Electric Combination Radiators are an ideal solution for properties with solid walls and/or solid floors. When you are replacing antiquated storage heating with EHC Radiators the existing wiring can be used which saves time, money and is less inconvenient for the tenant.

For properties where a “Wet Central Heating” system is being considered, EHC will supply their Comet Electric Boiler or, where space is at a premium, the Slim Jim Electric Flow Boiler. Additionally, where required, we can supply Stainless Steel Unvented Mains Pressure Cylinders .

Ease Of Use

The controls for EHC heating systems are designed with the tenant in mind. We recognise that there are many types of central heating programmers and room thermostats in the market however we specify an uncomplicated hard wired room stat and easy-to-use 3 on/off heating programmer. Furthermore the Hot Water Programmer that we specify for Direct Cylinders is pre-programmed with the Economy 10 Electricity Tariff times.



EHC’s Electric Combination Radiators are supplied with a 15 year Guarantee on the body of the radiator and 2 years on the electronics. The Electric Boilers come with a 2 year guarantee.

Extended Warranties are available on all EHC Products.



From Aberdeen to Devon, EHC have supplied their service and products to Tower Block Apartments, Detached Houses, Semi-Detached Houses, Bungalows, Sheltered Housing Complexes and Schools. Please contact us if project information is required.



Port man thanks the Tele for new heating

A PORT dad who suffers from epilepsy and asthma has received a new heating system thanks to the Tele’s intervention.

David Williamson, from Northfield Avenue, contacted us to say the white meter storage heating in his house left him with breathing difficulties.

The 43-year-old claimed he’d repeatedly complained to landlords River Clyde Homes to no avail.

We stepped in and now David has a new and improved system.

He said: “I want to say thank-you to the Tele. It has made such a difference, as I can now watch the TV in comfort without having to pile on layers of clothes.

“The old system didn’t heat the house but now it’s like living in luxury.”

The new heating system supplied by the Electric Heating Company has also improved the life of his son Brendan.

David added: “He can now sit in his room and play on his laptop, whereas before it was so cold that he had to lie in his bed with the quilt covering him.”

He was also keen to thank Jim Snoddy and Robert Allison of River Clyde Homes, as well as Gary Cowan from The Electric Heating Company.

David said: “These guys were great and did a really good job.”

Case Studies


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Company Number: SC289495

VAT Number: GB442070921

Website by Yello


01698 820533

Block 5, Unit 40, Third Road, Blantyre Industrial Estate, Blantyre, South Lanarkshire G72 0UP
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