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Posted on 26th September 2017

EHC support the NEA and Guardian Fuel Poverty Campaign

EHC welcome the article in the Guardian today that supports NEA’s Warm Homes Campaign which raises awareness to tackle Fuel Poverty and the importance of being able to live in a warm, comfortable home. There are currently over 4 million UK households which are deemed to be in Fuel Poverty and unable to live in a warm, dry home.


EHC are members of National Energy Action (NEA) and are committed to supplying products which are Energy Efficient and affordable to operate in hard to heat properties. We operate several initiatives aimed at providing heat when required, maximising Off Peak Tariffs and utilising our Products with Renewable Products. A typical example would be our Solar PV ready Radiators which work in conjunction with an Intelligent Controller to ensure that a homeowner is using all of the Solar PV energy being generated and minimising what generation is sent back to the grid. The system will operate to ensure that the feed in tariff received for generation is not affected and can still be received by the appropriate party.  To date the system demonstrates that it can act as a pre-heat to lift the Temperature of the room where the Radiators are installed.


Where our customer is an RSL we also offer the EHC Total Care Package. This is particularly beneficial to RSL’s whose Tenants who might be fuel poor as we educate both the RSL and Tenant fully on the EHC heating system, how to operate it, appropriate tariffs and generally on how to keep their home warm. We do this by visiting each Tenants property before and after the EHC heating system has been installed. We then help the Tenant should they have issues with their heating system at a later date or wish their running costs to be monitored. The Total Care Package applies to the RSL property for the lifetime the EHC heating system is in the property.


For further information regarding our Energy Efficient Products please call 01698 820533


Visit the NEA website here –


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01698 820533

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