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Posted on 26th September 2017


EHC have launched a new range of Solar PV Ready Electric Radiators which adopts a different approach to utilising Solar PV gain. The Electric Radiators ensure that the Tenant will benefit from every watt of power their panels produce, while improving the heating characteristics of their home, and still allow the Landlord to keep the full export element of the FIT payments.

Managing Director for EHC, Bill Walters explained how they work: “Our new system makes use of an intelligent controller to ensure when the occupant is not using any of the energy being generated by the PV panels it is diverted to either their Hot Water Cylinder or to our ceramic panel Radiators.”

“If there is sufficient Solar PV gain from the panels the Radiators will take approximately half an hour to warm up and continue to modulate and provide warmth whilst Solar gain is being achieved”.

“We advocate them being used to provide a background heat during daylight hours until the main central heating system is required. It will save the Tenant money on their gas or other energy costs and make the occupied space a more comfortable place to live.”

“Significantly the controller can prioritise whether power is diverted to the Radiators or Hot Water Cylinder, however in an all-electric property there is normally an Off-Peak tariff meter which should ensure the Hot Water is fully charged during Off-Peak hours.”

For Social Housing Landlords, who have already installed Solar PV panels, the EHC Radiators and intelligent controller can be easily retrofitted, with no need to alter the panels or inverter.

Bill Walters continued: “We are currently cooperating with several UK Local Authorities who have previously installed Solar PV with a view to installing our Electric Radiators and having the system monitored by an Independent Specialist who have experience with other renewable technologies.

EHC would welcome an approach from all Social Housing Landlords interested in our innovative new system who would like to participate in a trial and form part of the study. It is our intention to share the results of the study to all energy stakeholders and the wider audience.”

Should you wish to participate in the Trials please contact EHC on 01698 820533 or visit

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